Dadadésir. Say again ?

My dark treasures
It is more than a scarf, it is the story of my life, my mood, my hopes and inspirations.
I believe that each scarf worn, has the combined energy of my creations and that of the person wearing it.
Wearing silk is a ritual, a protection, a gesture that keeps you feeling beautiful and vibrant.
The combination of high quality silk and the limited editions keeps the art work exclusive and special.
The momentum and energy of music moves me, goes through the core of my essence.
Exhilarated when I see good musicians, the lights on stage and my scarves bouncing to the beat. Doesn’t get much better than that for me.
Dadadésir. Say again ?
Dadadésir isn’t the kind of company that fits neatly into a box. If anything, it tends to defy labels.
Behind this tongue-twister of a name lies the uncompromising personality : Myriam. Creative, rebellious, intuitive, determined, assertive, authentic… any of these words describes her, but like the Dada philosophy she prefers to break free of constraints and create extravagant and vivid tableaux in which imaginary creatures and bizarre characters are brought to life by her edgy, romantic, provocative touch.
Myriam a fabulous graphic designer is also focusing on her first love, fashion and textile.
She unleashes her creative impulses on whatever images, photos, books or prints she might find, dissecting, dividing, contouring and cutting them into pieces which she assembles into collages that become unique and original motifs – then scarves & bandanas made of cotton & silk.
Faithful to the Dada spirit, each scarf and bandana comes in a very limited edition.
Why resist? This creator is out to satisfy your heart’s dadade- sire… with her creations & collaborations.